Rump Session

Wednesday, 24th September 2024: 17:15 – 18:45

Quantum technologies: Research hype or on track to commercial success?


Peter Winzer (Nubis Communications), Rupert Ursin (QTlabs), David Neilson (Nokia Bell Labs)

Time & Location
24 September 2024 17:15 - 18:45

The Rump Session is a very blunt discussion session in a hot topic area of interest to most conference attendees.
The session takes place in the evening alongside some drinks. A group of outspoken and opinionated provocateurs stimulate lively  audience discussions. The session is meant as an entertaining event that shines a critical light on a usually over-hyped technical topic area. This year’s Rump Session focuses on the hype around all things quantum. Quantum technologies claim to solve practically relevant problems at revolutionary levels of performance and have been devouring tens of billions invested by public and private sources over the past decades. Will these technologies live up to the high hopes put into them anytime soon, yield the expected return of investment, and
create what is heralded as the second quantum revolution?


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