Publication agreement

The technical programme committee invites submission of original, unpublished, clear, accurate, and relevant papers in any of the topic areas listed below. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome.

Prospective authors should submit a three-page summary formatted according to the ECOC templates provided online, using the online submission process by May 3, 2024 23:59 (CEST). Authors must also accept the publication agreement and the VDE copyright conditions.

Accepted contributions will be published as part of the Conference Proceedings and will be available to all conference delegates.

Papers will be also published after the conference through IEEExplore.


⇥ Apr 2024 Paper Submission

↦ Jun 2024 Start of Registration

↦ Jun 2024 Author Notification

⇥ Jul 2024 Author Registration

↦ Aug 2024 Final Program

⇥ Aug 2024 Postdeadline Submission

⇥ Aug 2024 Early Bird Registration


Contributions are requested on the following Topics:

  • SC1: Novel fibres, fibre devices and amplifiers
  • SC2: Discrete photonic devices and technologies
  • SC3: Photonic integrated circuits, assemblies and packaging
  • SC4: Signal processing for optical communication and computing
  • SC5: Optical transmission systems
  • SC6: Architecture, modelling and performance of optical networks
  • SC7: Access, indoor and short-reach systems for data centres and mobile networks
  • SC8: Sensing and microwave photonics
  • SC9: Free-space optics and optical wireless technologies
  • SC10: Control and management of optical networks
  • SC11: Quantum communications and quantum computing


Sun, Sept 22
» Two sets of half-day workshops in parallel sessions

Mon, Sept 23
» Conference Opening,
» Plenary Session
» Exhibition Opening

Mon, Sept 23 to Wed, Sept 25
» Parallel sessions with tutorial, invited and contributed papers
» ECOC exhibition showcasing the latest products and sevices

Thu, Sept 26
» Parallel sessions with tutorial, invited and contributed papers
» Postdeadline paper sessions
» Closing ceremony

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